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Manganese в Юпсонасе

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I-Rem filter (removal of iron, manganese, hydrogen sulphide)
Цена по запросу
I-Rem effectively performs the following functions: removal of iron; removal of manganese; removal of hydrogen sulphide; The service life of the filtering backfill is 7 years! This filter does not require additional reagents and contact tanks Price on request, depending on the required capacity.
2 дек 2024
Almond nuts
120 €/т CIF
Fiber: 3.5 grams Protein: 6 grams Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated) Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI Manganese: 32% of the RDI Magnesium: 20% of the RDI
23 сен 2021
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - фото 1
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - фото 2
+7 фото
Sealant - two-component (polysulfide) for double-glazing glasses - фото 3
1.85 €/л EXW  
опт 0.99 - 1 €/кг
Dear Sir/Madam This is Nazir from Tioseal company. We are turkish polysulfide sealant (Thiakol) manufacturer. We also provide solutions to our fully satisfied clients such as molecular sieve, butyl, hotmelt, silicone based paste, aluminium spacer bar and glass cork. Tioseal targets to be leader
21 мая 2021
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