Electrodeionization is one of the most interesting and modern methods of industrial water treatment
Application: Electrodeionization is used in any processes of obtaining water with very low salt content, requiring minimum use of acids and alkalis for the regeneration of ion-exchange resins:
Chemical production;
Food Industry;
Pharmaceutical industry;
To produce ultrapure water
Advantages of L-EDI eledrodeionization systems in comparison with ion-exchange columns:
There are no reagents needed for regeneration.
Automatic regeneration by electric current.
Since there are no reagents, storage and processing is not required.
There is no need to neutralize waste.
The electric field reduces the growth of bacteria in the resin during service.
There is no risk of cross-contamination with other resins.
There is no negative impact on the environment.
Continuous operation, stable water quality for a long time.